My PhD studies were held within a project, funded by the European Commission: The KiWi Project – Knowledge in a Wiki
Within this project the participants created a wiki-based collaboration system, utilizing the theories of the semantic web. The consortium consisted from Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), Logica (Aalborg, Denmark), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany), Oracle/Sun (Prague, Czech Republic), Salzburg Research (Austria), Semantic Web Company (Vienna, Austria) and Aalborg University (Denmark). The project was organized in the developing branch and two use cases, where the possibilities and benefits in two companies should be investigated. My research was located in one of these, the Use Case on Software Project Management Knowledge with Logica.
Parts of the KiWi core development were the so called Enabling Technologies. These provide certain features to the KiWi platform, namely Information Extraction, Personalization & Adaptation, Querying & Reasoning and Reason Maintenance.
Since March 1st is the project over. The KiWi has landed. I was part of the consortium’s representatives at the final review meeting on Monday at the European Union’s buildings in Luxembourg. And even though their final official statements will be part of a report that is yet to come, I believe that generally the project can be valued quite positive and successful.
Not only has the KiWi project been very exciting, it also provided a lot of opportunities. I was able to meet and work with all these interesting people across Europe. And I also got in touch with (for me) new and fascinating topics. I’m grateful for that and say: Thank you KiWi!
The KiWi however is far from dead. During the project a community began to be formed. Moderated by the people at Salzburg Research the KiWi system takes off to its second version soon. If you want to participate in the open source world, have a look at the KiWi Community.