I built a guitar!
So no big deal, I just built my own guitar… like I knew anything about woodworking…
(more…)So no big deal, I just built my own guitar… like I knew anything about woodworking…
(more…)Hi. I’m Karsten. I went to Japan. For almost 3 weeks. And I’m allergic to Soy. But I survived. So I’m probably invincible.
(more…)After moving I put my Lego Star Wars Milenium Falcon back together. And then I thought that was fun and wanted to keep playing with Lego. But instead of paying for other overpriced models that I don’t care to have lingering around, I bought a box of mixed bricks. That Read more…
Last Thursday, I successfully defended my PhD thesis [1]. My PhD studies were supervised by Peter Axel Nielsen and took part in the Research Centre for Socio-Interactive Design of the Computer Science Department of Aalborg University. The committee members that assessed my thesis were Keld Bødker, John Krogstie and Jan Stage. The defence itself consisted of a presentation of my research for 45 minutes, followed by almost two hours of examination.
Writing a thesis is fun. But you want to minimize the risks that might force you to start over. One of which is the choice of tool. I am a fan of MS Word and started writing it there. But apparently I am facing it’s limits…
Ich hab geschrieben und geschrieben und jetzt ist’s endlich fertig und aufgehübscht und veröffentlicht. Mein erstes WhitePaper… Wikis im Unternehmensumfeld – Karsten Jahn Wikipedia ist weltbekannt. Es besteht aus dem Wissen derjenigen, die es benutzen. Der Kern ist ein Synergieeffekt, den immer mehr Unternehmen für sich nutzen wollen. Dieser Artikel Read more…